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Queering Saltspace Application Form


This is an open call for Saltspace members to submit artworks to be exhibited at Queering Saltspace.


We are reaching out to our members who identify as LGBTQIA+, or have something to say about LGBTQIA+ life, identity and history. 


We’re looking for:


Artwork of any medium (drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, photography, moving-image etc.) to be displayed in the exhibition.


Performers for the private view (performance art, poetry readings etc.solo or group, max of 6).


Zine contributions (artwork or writing) the zine will be curated and designed by the Saltspace committee, printed and sold at the Queering Saltspace exhibition.


All exhibition contributors will receive a fee of £100


All performing artists will receive a fee of £40


All zine contributors will receive a fee of £20


You can apply to one or all of these categories, we are happy to have an overlap in contributions.

What would you like to submit?

Artwork submission for Queering Salspace Exhibition:

Upload File
Upload File

Performance Submission:
Please upload stills or video links of previous similar performances

Upload File
Upload File

Artwork / writing submission for Queering Saltspace Zine:

Upload Image
Upload Document

Thanks for submitting!

This form no longer accepts submissions.

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