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Makers Spaces

SaltSpace rents out artist studios to its members across two of its buildings:


Dornoch Street Studios, Unit 16 Glasgow

Dornoch Street Studios has lots of character as a former school. It's also a growing community with many fellow artists and collectives located across the three floors of the building. We hold 8 studio spaces here which are situated close by other artist studios such as Rog Art Street Campus and Crowne Point studios, hopefully extending networks and opportunities further for our studio holders in the east end of Glasgow.


Axiom Building, Floor 2 Glasgow

Here we hold 10 studios at Axiom building which is an exciting hub of businesses and classes, with fellow creatives and the Box Hub venue next door, it's an ideal spot for emerging artists to get stuck into a community!


For further information or to enquire for availability please email

Dornoch Street Studios Unit 16

30 Dornoch Street Glasgow G40 2QT

Axiom Building Floor 2
54 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ
Saltspace locations

​Address:  Unit 16, 30 Dornoch Street, Glasgow G40 2QT   &. Axiom Building, Floor 2, 54 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ   ​​


Read Our Privacy Policy Here ​​

Saltspace is a voluntary, artist run, non-profit Cooperative CIC based in Glasgow, UK.


Company no. SC634438

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