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Tommy Penny

I’m Tommy Penny I’m an artist who specialises in the abstract and psychedelic styles of art, This gives my work a bold appearance. It speaks to your eyes and stimulates the brain. I love to draw and paint, It gives a strange look into the inner most parts of what’s going on in my head at that time on an unconscious level. I think my work says a lot about a creative brain trapped in this mad world where everything is becoming more and more mundane , grey and uniformed.

Saltspace locations

​Address:  Unit 16, 30 Dornoch Street, Glasgow G40 2QT   &. Axiom Building, Floor 2, 54 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ   ​​

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Saltspace is a voluntary, artist run, non-profit Cooperative CIC based in Glasgow, UK.

Company no. SC634438

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